+91 96200 46200


Settling In


Usually the first three months of move in will have many challenges. At GRISE we provide 24 X 7 support
via email, phone or presence of our representatives to ensure everything is under control. We also set us all the utilities connections like gas connection, Internet, landline telephones, mobiles, satellite TV as per clients requirement.

• 24 X 7 availability on email or phone
• Utility connections like gas, internet, landline telephones, Mobiles, satellite TV
• Bank account set up
• Solutions or advice


Our Services

Contact Us

# 103, 2nd Floor, 1st Main Road,
Kasturinagar, east of NGEF,
Bangalore - 560043
Email: info@griserelo.com

+91 96200 46200

+91 90357 66669

+91 99002 32926

Email: info@griserelo.com
